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Online Selling Tips For Handmade Businesses

Updated: Feb 13

Handmade business sewing studio with fabric, thread, and sewing machine

As a handmade business coach, many handcrafters have shared with me their struggles of selling online. For many of these women, the obstacles to their online success is simply needing a marketing strategy for their handmade business. Not having an online marketing strategy can stop them from reaching their goal of generating online sales with their handcrafted items. If this struggle resonates with you, you're in the right place. I’m going to share how you can turn your obstacles into building blocks and have a successful online handmade business!

Finding Your Ideal Customer

With so many different social media and selling platforms, this can be difficult to narrow down. Knowing who you want to reach can help you narrow down where you need to be. Knowing the basics like gender, age, and interests is a great start. For some insight check out 2024 Social Media Demographics Guide, it breaks down for you the demographics of social media platform users. As handcrafters there are also a variety of platforms to sell on as well. Amazon Handmade and Etsy have been good fits for me and I’ve had success selling handcrafted items on both platforms. Where To Sell Handmade Online 2024 is an overview of seller platform options to check out and decide which one works best for you.

Reaching Your Ideal Customer

Handmade business packing station with boxes and laptop for handcrafted items sold online.

Whether you use social media, email campaigns, or any other form of digital marketing, you can get your products in front of the right people. One way is using language in your content that resonates with your ideal customers. Think of common words or phrases used by your target audience and incorporate them into your social media posts, product descriptions, and email campaigns. For example, my target audience consist of women who wear their hair natural. Within the natural hair community, we have our own unique lingo. Knowing the terms naturals would use to search for products is a game changer. I simply use those words and phrases in my online content and drive the potential customer to my online shops.

Gaining Online Brand Visibility

If you are consistent with your social media postings and letting people know about your handmade business, you can find success. I secured a spot in a local museum gift shop due to my consistent online visibility. The museum curator said she resonated with my content and followed me online for two years before a spot became available. By engaging with your followers on social media and posting interesting content, you can attract new customers and increase sales. Additionally, by using analytics to track your performance, you can identify what works and what doesn’t, and make adjustments accordingly.

By following these tips, and with the help of a good handmade business coach, you can find success selling handcrafted items online. A coach like myself can provide valuable insight into finding and reaching your ideal customer, being consistent online and ultimately reaching your goals faster. Click Products & Services to see how I can assist you in gaining online visibility and converting your followers to customers.

Creating content that connects!

Tonya – Strategypreneur™ Coach


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